reading time: 2 min.

Mavroyannis: No Excuses Can Relieve Us of Our Responsibilities

Mavroyannis: No Excuses Can Relieve Us of Our Responsibilities

Andreas Mavroyannis, a former negotiator for the RoC and AKEL's recent presidential candidate, spoke to Politis on the 50th anniversary of the Turkish Peace Operation, emphasizing that “no excuse can relieve us of our responsibilities.”

Publish Date: 29/07/24 13:57
reading time: 2 min.
Mavroyannis: No Excuses Can Relieve Us of Our Responsibilities
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Mavroyannis pointed out that the development, reconstruction, and preservation of state assets in the Greek Cypriot side, as well as its economic progress and EU membership, have not brought the required "purification or liberation." He asserted that only resolving the Cyprus issue can address these shortcomings.

He criticized the approach of maintaining the “torch of liberation” through “an ill-conceived and overly emotional theology,” noting that the envisioned "normalization" was attempted without practical methods or effective solutions. Mavroyannis acknowledged the challenges posed by the imbalance of power but insisted that no excuse can absolve them of their responsibilities.

Mavroyannis further noted that rather than fostering conditions for organic peace, divisive elements are being reinforced, making a resolution increasingly difficult over time. Despite this, he expressed hope for both Greek and Turkish Cypriots, emphasizing the need for continued effort towards unity.

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