reading time: 2 min.

Süleyman Gelener: We Do Not Accept the Double Standards Applied to Our Teachers!

Süleyman Gelener: We Do Not Accept the Double Standards Applied to Our Teachers!

Süleyman Gelener, the Education Secretary of the Cyprus Turkish Teachers' Trade Union (KTÖS), has criticized the Ministry of Education for not paying the salaries of permanent teachers since April, citing a "technical error" as the reason. Gelener stated, "We do not accept the double standards applied to our teachers!"

Publish Date: 30/07/24 13:05
reading time: 2 min.
Süleyman Gelener: We Do Not Accept the Double Standards Applied to Our Teachers!
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KTÖS has reported that the Ministry of Education has failed to make payments due to permanent teachers since April, using a "technical error" as an excuse. Gelener highlighted that the union had previously documented the Ministry’s negative stance towards the teaching profession and teacher rights, which was evident in the Ministry's inadequate support for teachers' professional development, motivation, and satisfaction.

Describing this as a new example of the Ministry’s negative attitude, Gelener noted that the Ministry had previously made salary deductions from teachers for hours not worked during strikes, reduced salaries for attending in-service training, and withheld preparation allowances for newly appointed teachers.

Gelener emphasized that KTÖS does not accept "this double standard, unjust practice, and the arbitrary attitude of the Ministry of Education." He declared that the union would not hesitate to question the real reasons behind this discriminatory "technical error" and pursue legal remedies if necessary.

He concluded, "We will continue to be strong advocates for our teachers' rights. We announce that we will use all our legal, trade union, and legal rights if this issue is not resolved immediately."

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