reading time: 2 min.

Arıklı: We Do Not Intervene in UBP's Internal Affairs

Arıklı: We Do Not Intervene in UBP's Internal Affairs

Erhan Arıklı, Minister of Transport and Chairman of the Rebirth Party (YDP), has stated that they have never intervened in the internal affairs of the National Unity Party (UBP). Speaking on Ada TV, Arıklı emphasized that while YDP respects UBP’s internal processes, they must consider all possible scenarios that could arise following the UBP Congress.

Publish Date: 01/08/24 13:14
reading time: 2 min.
Arıklı: We Do Not Intervene in UBP's Internal Affairs
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Arıklı noted that if the current UBP leader is replaced, the government could potentially collapse, and they would need to assess the situation accordingly. "We have never shown the audacity to meddle in UBP's internal issues, but all scenarios that could emerge after the UBP Congress must be evaluated," he said.

He also highlighted the importance of stability in the government, noting that Turkey supports the continuity of the current administration. "We desire the continuation of stability, but if UBP members opt for a leadership change, we will respect that decision," Arıklı stated.

Addressing the possibility of an early general election, Arıklı mentioned that a change in UBP leadership might lead some individuals to act out of personal vendetta, which could trigger early elections. He indicated that while an early election is not guaranteed, it remains a possibility if internal disputes within UBP escalate following a leadership change.

Overall, Arıklı expressed a cautious but respectful approach to the potential changes within UBP, acknowledging the possible impacts on the government and the need for careful consideration of future political developments.

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