reading time: 2 min.

Tatar Highlights Anamur's Strategic Importance to Turkish Cypriots

Tatar Highlights Anamur's Strategic Importance to Turkish Cypriots

President Ersin Tatar emphasized the significance of Anamur as the closest point to the Turkish Cypriot community during a statement to TRT regarding the inauguration of ferry services between Kyrenia and Anamur.

Publish Date: 02/08/24 14:06
reading time: 2 min.
Tatar Highlights Anamur's Strategic Importance to Turkish Cypriots
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President Tatar remarked on the historical significance of water supply from Anamur to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), noting, "Since 2015, water has been flowing into the Geçitköy Dam. For nine years, this flow has been uninterrupted, amounting to 75 million cubic meters annually. Our island is arid, and this water is a great blessing for us. Anamur's primary significance for the Turkish Cypriot people is its proximity."

President Tatar also stressed the importance of transitioning to an interconnected electricity system for the island, stating:

"This can be seen in the agreements made with the European Union countries; every country needs to be connected. The Republic of Turkey is part of this system. Therefore, we can connect to this system through an interconnected system. However, since the TRNC is not recognized by the EU, there are challenges that need to be addressed. Efforts are ongoing under the instructions of President Erdoğan to overcome these issues," he said.

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