reading time: 2 min.

Feyzioğlu Emphasizes Cyprus as a National Cause, Not an Issue

Feyzioğlu Emphasizes Cyprus as a National Cause, Not an Issue

Metin Feyzioğlu, the outgoing Turkish Ambassador to Nicosia, paid a farewell visit to President Ersin Tatar before his new appointment in Prague. During his visit, Feyzioğlu emphasized the importance of Cyprus as a national cause for Turkey, stating, “For us, Cyprus is a national cause. Since the day I arrived, I have not referred to it as the ‘Cyprus issue’ because issues tire people out. For us, Cyprus has never been an issue; it is a national cause.”

Publish Date: 13/08/24 15:36
Update Date: 13/08/24 15:54
reading time: 2 min.
Feyzioğlu Emphasizes Cyprus as a National Cause, Not an Issue
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As Feyzioğlu prepares to leave the island for his new position, he expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve as Turkey’s representative in the “brotherly homeland” and thanked the Turkish Cypriot people for their warmth and hospitality. “I offer my heartfelt thanks to the Turkish Cypriots who welcomed me with open arms,” he said.

Feyzioğlu reiterated the clear path of the national cause, emphasizing unity and determination, adding, “The national cause keeps you refreshed and strengthens you every day.”

President Ersin Tatar wished Feyzioğlu success in his new role, affirming the significance of the Cyprus cause for the Turkish nation. “Wherever you are, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will always be at the top of your agenda, and I am confident it will be the same in Prague,” Tatar stated.

Tatar highlighted the critical role of the TRNC in the Eastern Mediterranean, stating, “If peace, stability, and tranquility are to continue in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will be part of this agreement.” He underscored the importance of the TRNC as an indispensable and vital component of the "Blue Homeland" for both Turkey and the Turkish world.

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