reading time: 2 min.

Cyprus Records Hottest July in History

Cyprus Records Hottest July in History

The average minimum and maximum temperatures were above normal in July at all reference stations, making July the hottest on record, according to a met office weather bulletin in south.

Publish Date: 15/08/24 15:31
reading time: 2 min.
Cyprus Records Hottest July in History
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Where August is concerned, ‘normal temperatures’ are to be expected. A similar situation appears to prevail in Asia Minor, with above normal temperatures expected in Greece and the Balkans, and below normal temperatures expected in the Near and Middle East.

Where expected rainfall is concerned, it is expected to be in the normal range in the interior, above normal for the season in the north and west, and below normal in the south and east. 

July has been the hottest on record since the island’s climatic data have been available and reported in the month of July, with the only exception being the mountainous areas, with all the met office’s coastal and inland reference stations being well above their respective normals by 2.5 to 3.6C.

In terms of cumulative rainfall, it appears, from the preliminary data, that July recorded a cumulative rainfall of 3.9 mm or 163 per cent of normal for the month.


Source: Cyprus Mail 

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