reading time: 2 min.

Taçoy: The Increase in Interim Orders Related to Party Elections is Concerning

Taçoy: The Increase in Interim Orders Related to Party Elections is Concerning

Hasan Taçoy, a candidate for the leadership of the National Unity Party (UBP), has expressed concern over the recent surge in interim orders issued by courts regarding the party's organizational elections.

Publish Date: 16/08/24 13:23
reading time: 2 min.
Taçoy: The Increase in Interim Orders Related to Party Elections is Concerning
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Taçoy highlighted the significant rise in legal challenges and subsequent court orders in response to these challenges, which he described as troubling.

In a written statement, Taçoy remarked:

"It is with regret that I observe our party's congress, which should have been a celebration of democracy, is instead marred by legal irregularities. The sharp increase in legal challenges concerning the organizational elections and the subsequent court rulings in favor of these challenges have reached an alarming level.

It is disappointing to see that my earlier warning on this matter has not been properly understood by Mr. Ünal.

As the person primarily responsible for managing the National Unity Party in a manner befitting its history, Mr. Ünal currently appears to be far from fulfilling this duty.

I once again urge him to act in accordance with the law and the honorable legacy of the National Unity Party.

His actions, which run counter to the records and information held by the Supreme Electoral Council and are completely outside the bounds of legality, are leading us toward situations we neither desire nor wish to even contemplate.

The increasing number of court decisions related to the organizational elections is the clearest indication of an unlawful situation.

Given the seriousness of the situation, I call on him to respect the law and the people who have dedicated themselves to the National Unity Party, and to steer the party toward the congress in a manner worthy of its stature."

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