reading time: 3 min.

Prime Minister Üstel: "Tourism Restrictions Are Unacceptable"

Prime Minister Üstel: "Tourism Restrictions Are Unacceptable"

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel has condemned the Greek Cypriot Administration's attempt to hinder tourists from visiting the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Üstel emphasized that the Greek Cypriot Administration is now targeting the tourism sector, which is a significant source of income for the Turkish Cypriot people.

Publish Date: 20/08/24 17:13
reading time: 3 min.
Prime Minister Üstel: "Tourism Restrictions Are Unacceptable"
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In a statement addressing the issue, Prime Minister Üstel highlighted that the Greek Cypriot Administration has taken new measures to restrict tourists with prior reservations from crossing into the TRNC from Larnaca. He pointed out that, after initially targeting property investments, the Greek Cypriot leadership is now aiming at the tourism sector, which is vital for the Turkish Cypriot economy.


In his statement, Üstel noted:

"The Greek Cypriot Administration's restrictions on tourists crossing into the TRNC create a complex situation concerning international law, specifically in terms of the freedom of movement and state sovereignty.

These practices exacerbate tensions between the two communities, fostering discrimination and violating rights protected under international law, such as freedom of travel.

Rather than contributing to the resolution of the Cyprus issue, the Greek Cypriot Administration's actions are moving further away from a solution."


"I strongly condemn this practice, which is fundamentally incompatible with human rights and freedoms and is a manifestation of hostile intent.

I reject the Greek Cypriot Administration’s oppressive policies against the Turkish Cypriot people, which have been in place since 1963.

I call on the Greek Cypriot Administration to return to reason and stop undermining the potential for cooperation and neighborly relations between the two communities on the island.

The Greek Cypriot Administration must understand that the Turkish Cypriot people will never yield to economic siege and intimidation tactics.

It is impossible to reach a solution on the Cyprus issue with the current mindset of the Greek Cypriot leadership, which claims to desire a resolution at every opportunity."

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