reading time: 4 min.

Erhürman: "A 'Dead' Mentality is Dragging the Country Towards Demise"

Erhürman: "A 'Dead' Mentality is Dragging the Country Towards Demise"

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Leader Tufan Erhürman criticized the current administration, stating, "There is a dead mentality regarding the future of this country. We are forced to keep talking about the damage caused by this mentality."

Publish Date: 28/08/24 13:58
reading time: 4 min.
Erhürman: "A 'Dead' Mentality is Dragging the Country Towards Demise"
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Speaking on Ada TV, Erhürman expressed concerns over the government’s failure to foresee the current issues related to foreign workers and the lack of planning for the country's economic, social, and cultural development.

Crisis in Education and Healthcare

Erhürman pointed out the ongoing crises in education and healthcare, noting, "There is a dead mentality when it comes to the future of this country. That mentality has nothing left to say and no concern for the future." He also criticized public oversight, saying that the government entities responsible for monitoring have instead become complicit in the issues they should be addressing.

Citrus Crisis and Human Rights Violations

Addressing the problems in the citrus industry, Erhürman highlighted the plight of workers brought into the country, questioning why they are still here despite the sector's collapse. He pointed out severe human rights violations and noted that the matter has been reported to the police, who are continuing their investigation.

"The Situation is Very Dangerous"

Continuing his critique of the government, Erhürman argued that the administration has not taken responsibility for the events of the past five years. He warned of a dangerous trajectory and emphasized that despite repeated calls for planning and attention, the government has remained blind to the impending crises.

KIB-TEK and Economic Issues

Erhürman also focused on the troubles at the Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority (Kıb-Tek), criticizing the government for not supporting its autonomy. He pointed out that issues like the delayed fuel delivery, which had never occurred before, are now commonplace. He accused the administration of wasting public resources and noted that the Value Added Tax (VAT), one of the country's most significant revenue sources, is being lost to the southern economy.

Deepening Inequality in Education

On education, Erhürman mentioned the increasing use of container classrooms and the inability of the government to manage the population. He described the dire financial state of public schools, where basic necessities like toilet paper are lacking. He stressed the growing inequality in the education system, highlighting the struggles of state schools.

Cyprus Issue and Negotiation Process

Erhürman also discussed the Cyprus problem, stating that if a new negotiation process begins, it should not follow the old methodologies. He emphasized the importance of political equality and reminded that the CTP has consistently advocated for this in its arguments to both the community and international bodies.

"Governing the Country is Not Their Concern"

Erhürman concluded by asserting that the current government is not interested in solving the country’s problems or creating a livable future for the next generation. Instead, he claimed, they are focused on internal power struggles, leaving the public to suffer. "This mentality, which is already dead, is dragging the country towards demise," he said.

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