reading time: 4 min.

Human Rights Committee: Stop Labor Exploitation and Human Trafficking!

Human Rights Committee: Stop Labor Exploitation and Human Trafficking!

The Bar Association’s Human Rights Committee has called for immediate criminal action against those who engage in, facilitate, or turn a blind eye to labor exploitation and human trafficking, which prevent access to basic human rights. The Committee issued a statement underlining the urgency of putting an end to these violations.

Publish Date: 28/08/24 14:55
reading time: 4 min.
Human Rights Committee: Stop Labor Exploitation and Human Trafficking!
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In reference to a statement made about a month ago on July 30th, International Day Against Trafficking in Persons, titled "Stop Human Trafficking in the TRNC," the Human Rights Committee highlighted ongoing human rights violations stemming from labor exploitation and human trafficking in the country. "The exploitative working conditions that lead to modern slavery, as reported by Özgür Gazete, did not begin yesterday and are not a problem that can be attributed to a single individual. There are many responsible parties involved," the Committee stated.

The statement included the following points:

"In the northern part of Cyprus, for many years now, particularly foreign workers have been exploited and subjected to severe human rights violations that amount to human trafficking. Many of these workers have their passports confiscated, their freedom restricted, and are denied access to basic worker rights such as healthy food, shelter, fair wages, and social security.

“A Grim Picture”

"Between 2018 and 2021, while providing legal aid services to victims under our 'Justice for Victims of Human Trafficking' project, we encountered a grim picture. Many individuals, including seasonal workers, construction workers, university students, and nightclub employees from all corners of the country, reached out to us. Human trafficking is a crime that exploits vulnerability and helplessness. Although this act was not previously classified as a crime, with our contributions, it was criminalized in 2020. However, despite the severity of the issue, necessary steps to prevent human trafficking have not been taken to date.

“Action Must Be Taken”

"Another aspect of this problem is the lack of punishment for those who operate illegally. The Labor Department is responsible for facilitating the placement of workers in suitable jobs and finding suitable workers for various jobs under the Labor Law. In short, this responsibility and authority belong to the Department. The Labor Law also prohibits the operation of businesses or offices for the purpose of finding jobs for workers or finding workers for employers, regardless of whether it is for profit. Despite this, many intermediary agencies are publicly known by name, and some individuals who engage in this work occasionally collaborate with public administration, with their illegal activities being overlooked in practice.

“We Demand Criminal Action”

"As the Human Rights Committee of the Cyprus Turkish Bar Association, we demand that all individuals and entities that prevent access to basic human rights, engage in labor exploitation and human trafficking, or facilitate and turn a blind eye to such acts, be subjected to criminal proceedings without delay."

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