reading time: 2 min.

Üstel: "No Negotiations Until Our Sovereign Equality and International Equal Status Are Confirmed"

Üstel: "No Negotiations Until Our Sovereign Equality and International Equal Status Are Confirmed"

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel stated that there would be no negotiations until the sovereign equality and international equal status of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) are confirmed.

Publish Date: 29/08/24 13:36
reading time: 2 min.
Üstel: "No Negotiations Until Our Sovereign Equality and International Equal Status Are Confirmed"
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Üstel made these remarks during his visit to the Retired Officers Association, where he met with the association's president, Kazım And, and its board members.

In his speech, Üstel emphasized the significance of the July 20, 1974 Peace Operation, which brought freedom to the people of the TRNC and allowed the establishment of the state. He expressed his honor in visiting the heroic commanders who played an unforgettable role in this process, saying, "If today we can freely live on these beautiful lands and see the TRNC flag waving high, it is thanks to your honorable struggle."

He paid tribute to the martyrs and veterans, as well as Dr. Fazıl Küçük and the Founding President, Rauf Denktaş.

Üstel reaffirmed the government's commitment to the state and its determination to defend it on all platforms. He made it clear that the Greek Cypriot side must understand that the TRNC will not sit at the negotiation table without the recognition of a two-state solution and equal international status. "We will move forward with our stable government, united with our 24 deputies, and continue to uphold our national identity and spirit," Üstel added.

Kazım And, the President of the Retired Officers Association, expressed his satisfaction with Üstel’s visit, acknowledging their long-standing friendship. He extended his best wishes for Üstel's continued success and thanked him for his unwavering support for the Cyprus National Cause.

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