reading time: 1 min.

Tatar Condemns Netflix Series: 'Greek and Greek Cypriot Influence at Play'

Tatar Condemns Netflix Series: 'Greek and Greek Cypriot Influence at Play'

President Ersin Tatar has strongly criticized Netflix for its upcoming series "Famagusta," which distorts the historical events of the 1974 Cyprus Peace Operation and portrays Turkish soldiers in a negative light.

Publish Date: 02/09/24 11:12
reading time: 1 min.
Tatar Condemns Netflix Series: 'Greek and Greek Cypriot Influence at Play'
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In a live interview on CNN TÜRK, Tatar expressed his outrage, stating, "There is clearly Greek and Greek Cypriot influence behind this. We will respond appropriately."

He emphasized that the 1974 Peace Operation was a necessary military intervention that saved Turkish Cypriots from genocide and brought peace to the island—a peace that has persisted for 50 years.

Tatar further underscored the need for proactive measures to counter such propaganda. He called for the production of Turkish media content that accurately represents the history of Cyprus, ensuring that the true narrative of the island's past is not distorted.

"We must tell our own story through our own means," Tatar concluded, warning that the Turkish side will not stand by idly as such misrepresentations spread.

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