reading time: 2 min.

Dimitriu: Resolving the Cyprus Issue is Key to Peace and Stability

Dimitriu: Resolving the Cyprus Issue is Key to Peace and Stability

Greek Cypriot House President Annita Dimitriu stated that resolving the Cyprus issue would bring peace and freedom to Cyprus, acting as a catalyst for security and stability in the broader region. Dimitriu emphasized that the primary and highest goal remains the liberation and reunification of Cyprus.

Publish Date: 02/09/24 11:30
reading time: 2 min.
Dimitriu: Resolving the Cyprus Issue is Key to Peace and Stability
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In a speech given at a commemoration ceremony, Dimitriu reiterated her well-known stance on the Cyprus issue, asserting that only through resolving this issue can peace and freedom be achieved in Cyprus, which in turn will promote security and stability in the wider area.

Despite the challenges that make optimism difficult, Dimitriu urged that efforts should never wane and that no opportunity should be missed. She emphasized the importance of seizing every turning point.

Speaking at a commemoration for EOKA member Mihalakis Paridis, Dimitriu claimed that 50 years after the Turkish invasion, the Cyprus issue remains complex and sensitive. She argued that the problem of "occupation and invasion" can only be resolved through patience, commitment to the goal, and continuous effort.

Dimitriu also criticized the "occupational regime" and condemned Turkey's provocative actions and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's unacceptable two-state solution proposals, labeling them as outside the scope of discussions, UN resolutions, and legitimacy.

She stressed the need for a sustainable solution within the framework of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, as agreed upon in UN resolutions and based on EU and international legal principles and values. Dimitriu highlighted the importance of continuing persistent and tireless efforts to begin negotiations.

In her speech, Dimitriu also urged support for any initiative and effort directed towards the right course.

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