reading time: 3 min.

Serdaroğlu: Minimum Wage Could Reach $2,000

Serdaroğlu: Minimum Wage Could Reach $2,000

Ahmet Serdaroğlu, President of the Hür-İş Federation, responded sharply to President Ersin Tatar's statement that a minimum wage of $1,000 is not feasible.

Publish Date: 02/09/24 13:44
reading time: 3 min.
Serdaroğlu: Minimum Wage Could Reach $2,000
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Serdaroğlu suggested that under the current administration in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), the minimum wage could even reach $2,000.

In his remarks, Serdaroğlu expressed frustration over Tatar's comments, highlighting the stark contrast between the president's views and the reality faced by workers. He questioned the president's awareness of economic conditions, noting that Tatar's frequent travels abroad might leave him detached from the local economic struggles.

Serdaroğlu stated:

“Mr. President claims the currency is stable. But does he only think about currency stability when discussing minimum wage increases? Was he unaware of the currency situation during price hikes? Where was he during these times? Surely he was in the TRNC, wasn’t he?

Given that Mr. President is frequently abroad, he may be unaware of these price increases. Perhaps he does not feel inflation as he lives in comfort without experiencing price hikes, utility bills, or rent, and receives free food and cleaning products.

Even British retirees with around £1,000 pensions are leaving due to high living costs. People fleeing the Russia-Ukraine conflict are returning due to exorbitant prices. It seems Mr. President is not aware of this situation.

It’s time for Mr. Tatar to stop attending funerals and weddings and benefiting from people’s joys and sorrows. He should observe the real-life conditions of our citizens. He should honor his alma mater, Cambridge University, by addressing inflation. Identify those who are profiting from high living costs, engaging in unfair gains, and evading taxes. Do these things to live up to the standards of your university.

We have great respect for you, but Mr. President, this statement does not suit you. The minimum wage earners fighting to make ends meet are not concerned with dollar values. Their concern is supporting their families. Why are you not questioning how the cost of living reached this point, Mr. President?

You are the President not only of the wealthy but also of the low-income earners, Mr. Tatar. The minimum wage has reached this level due to inadequate measures taken by you and others like you in the face of rising living costs. Never forget this.

An increase is not being given to minimum wage earners. The increase merely compensates for the erosion of salaries over the past four months due to the rising cost of living. Under this administration, minimum wage could even reach $2,000, Mr. President.”

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