reading time: 2 min.

Ertuğruloğlu: No Tripartite Meeting in New York, Only a Possible 4+1

Ertuğruloğlu: No Tripartite Meeting in New York, Only a Possible 4+1

Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu emphasized that there will be no tripartite meeting at the upcoming UN summit in New York, but a '4+1' meeting involving North Cyprus, South Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres could be possible.

Publish Date: 10/09/24 14:28
reading time: 2 min.
Ertuğruloğlu: No Tripartite Meeting in New York, Only a Possible 4+1
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"Federation Is Dead and Buried"

Even if the '4+1' meeting takes place, Ertuğruloğlu made it clear that a federal partnership is completely off the table, stating, "The federation is dead and buried." He stressed that any future negotiations must be based on the reality of two equal sovereign states aiming to establish good neighborly relations.

"No Progress on a Cyprus Solution"

Speaking on Turkey’s BengüTürk TV, Ertuğruloğlu expressed skepticism about any developments regarding a solution to the Cyprus issue, underscoring that it cannot be addressed through unrealistic scenarios and must be grounded in reality.

"The Cyprus Problem Was Created by the UN Security Council and the EU"

Ertuğruloğlu reiterated that the root of the problem lies in the international acceptance of the Greek Cypriot side as the Republic of Cyprus. He attributed the creation of the Cyprus issue to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and the EU since 2004.

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