reading time: 3 min.

Judge Barkın: Those Living Illegally Remain Undetected Until They Commit a Crime

Judge Barkın: Those Living Illegally Remain Undetected Until They Commit a Crime

Obinna Maxwell Nwakonuche, who was found guilty of stealing from the Euro Care IVF Center in Nicosia on May 7 and living in the country without authorization, was sentenced to 3 years in prison. Reading the court's decision, Judge Vedia Berkut Barkın emphasized that individuals living illegally in the country are not detected by the authorities until they commit a crime.

Publish Date: 11/09/24 13:36
reading time: 3 min.
Judge Barkın: Those Living Illegally Remain Undetected Until They Commit a Crime
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Nwakonuche, charged with “breaking and entering,” “theft,” “intentional damage,” “trespassing,” and “illegal residence,” was tried by the Nicosia Heavy Penal Court. The panel, chaired by Judge Füsun Cemaller and including senior Judge Barkın and Judge Tutku Candaş, sentenced Nwakonuche to 3 years in prison.

Judge Barkın recounted the events of May 7, 2024, when Nwakonuche used a crowbar to remove the metal bars on a window facing the South at the Euro Care IVF Center in Nicosia. He then broke the glass with the same tool, causing damages amounting to 7,000 TL. Once inside, he stole 8,100 euros, 13,915 dollars, and 7,355 pounds from a wooden drawer before exiting the premises.

702 Days of Illegal Residence

Judge Barkın explained that Nwakonuche later led authorities to the old State Chemistry Laboratory courtyard, where the stolen money was hidden and recovered in full. A migration check revealed that Nwakonuche had been residing illegally in the country for a total of 702 days, from June 5, 2022, until his arrest.

"Illegally Living Residents Go Undetected Until They Commit a Crime"

The judge mentioned that Nwakonuche had initially entered the country as a student but dropped out after his father’s death. She highlighted that the crimes of breaking and entering, punishable by up to 7 years, and theft, carrying a sentence of up to 3 years, are becoming more common. Barkın emphasized that Nwakonuche's illegal status was only discovered after he committed the crime, noting that this has been a recurring issue in recent cases.

Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison

While all the stolen money was recovered, the damage caused during the break-in, totaling 7,000 TL, was not compensated, and the complaint remains active. Taking into account Nwakonuche’s admission of guilt, the court sentenced him to 3 years in prison.

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