reading time: 4 min.

Denktaş: "Polarization in the Country is Fueled for Political Gain"

Denktaş: "Polarization in the Country is Fueled for Political Gain"

Experienced politician Serdar Denktaş made significant statements during a broadcast, criticizing the country's politicians for deepening divisions merely to secure votes.

Publish Date: 16/09/24 14:10
reading time: 4 min.
Denktaş: "Polarization in the Country is Fueled for Political Gain"
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"I have never believed in polarization. I always believe a middle ground can be found. I see that the rise in polarization is not related to foreign policy, the Cyprus issue, or our global relations, but rather to domestic vote-chasing. They are exploiting polarization to gain votes, and this must end urgently in our country," said Denktaş.

He emphasized that some of the ongoing problems stem from weaknesses in democracy. "Institutions are being formed not based on merit or competence but on whether someone is 'one of us,' which has led to significant bureaucratic blockages," Denktaş noted.


"We are facing a situation where prices are rising before the minimum wage increases. These issues can be corrected or controlled, but what is needed is intention, courage, and vision," Denktaş said, pointing out that inflation and the electricity crisis are the most pressing problems at the moment.

Denktaş also stated that there is nothing left to discuss regarding the bi-communal, bi-zonal federation solution. He argued that the Greek Cypriot side does not want this solution, saying, "Those who called Denktaş 'Mister No' should now realize that it is the Greek Cypriots who do not want this. There is no point in forcing them to accept it. This slogan must be abandoned. Those advocating for a two-state solution must first believe in our own state. They must govern the state like a state and make our people believe that they have a state. Internal dissent will always exist, but if 65% of the population unites on this issue, the world will start taking us seriously. This consensus needs to be conveyed to Ankara, the UN, and the South. Otherwise, we will face imposed solutions we do not want."


Denktaş dismissed claims of a lack of budget or resources for various projects, saying, "I'm glad I served as finance minister because I know the financial strength of the ministry. I will never believe the claim that there is no budget. We must use Turkey's contributions to improve the welfare of the people. Beyond that, we can manage many projects ourselves. They said they would build social housing, then left it to TOKI. That’s not how it should work."


Reflecting on his political career, Denktaş mentioned the many injustices and slanders he faced, stating, "I haven’t lost hope. I still have hope, and I strive to carry that hope forward. I am willing to walk with anyone, from any party or ideology, who will carry their hope to the last drop." He also highlighted his role in the introduction of innovations such as the opening of private radio and television stations, the spread of the internet, the opening of crossing points, and the arrival of mobile phones. "Back then, they called me crazy for advocating these things. But those were actions that required courage, and despite the criticism and slander, I continued, believing that my people knew me," Denktaş concluded.

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