reading time: 4 min.

KSTU Investigation: University Students Testify in Court

KSTU Investigation: University Students Testify in Court

As part of the ongoing investigation into Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University (KSTU), two defendants, Serdal Gündüz and Amir Shakerifard, appeared before the Güzelyurt District Court. Five university students testified as witnesses, and the hearing was adjourned until September 24.

Publish Date: 19/09/24 14:49
reading time: 4 min.
KSTU Investigation: University Students Testify in Court
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Serdal Gündüz, the university's general secretary and one of its shareholders, along with Amir Shakerifard, who oversees the international office, are both being tried in relation to charges brought against them as part of the KSTU investigation. This marks another phase in the primary investigation hearing, which continues at Güzelyurt District Court.

In the hearing presided over by Judge Gülay Süleymanoğlu Uğur, Prosecutor Damla Güçlü presented five witnesses representing the prosecution. Among the defendants' legal team were attorneys Doğa Zeki, Talat Tanca, and Asiye Yetkiner.

Students Testify on Enrollment Process

B.D.Ç, a dentistry student at KSTU, testified as the prosecution’s first witness. He stated that he personally registered for his studies three years ago without the assistance of any student agency. He also mentioned that he had never heard of the agency involved in the allegations.

The second witness, D.B., also a dentistry student, said he applied online to the university in 2022 and has been attending classes since 2023. When questioned about how he applied, D.B. mentioned that he applied through the university's website and did not use any agency.

Under questioning by attorney Doğa Zeki, D.B. confirmed that he applied online and received his acceptance letter through WhatsApp from friends who were already studying at KSTU. Attorney Zeki challenged this, claiming that the university did not have an online application platform.

The third witness, B.Ş., a fifth-year dentistry student, stated that he registered in September 2021 via the university’s website on the recommendation of a friend, without using a student agency. He clarified that he had transferred credits and entered directly into the second year.

The fourth witness, M.Y., also a third-year dentistry student, explained that he applied online and did not use any agency for assistance. He confirmed that he had never heard of the agency in question.

R.A.I., another third-year dentistry student, provided similar testimony, noting that he applied online without any external help and had no knowledge of the agency involved in the investigation.

Serious Allegations Against the Defendants

The defendants, Serdal Gündüz and Amir Shakerifard, face a total of 130 charges, including “Obtaining Money by False Pretenses,” “Fraud,” “Forgery,” “Embezzlement,” “Money Laundering,” and “Incitement of Fake Bank Payment Orders.”

As the case progresses, the court will reconvene on September 24 to continue hearing witnesses.

Ongoing Trial at the High Court

In parallel, Serdal Gündüz is also facing trial at the Nicosia High Criminal Court on separate charges related to his assistant, Berk Özbek. This is part of a wider investigation into alleged fraudulent activities within KSTU, and the legal process continues in both courts.

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