reading time: 2 min.

Erdoğan: The Federation Process in Cyprus Has Lost Its Relevance

Erdoğan: The Federation Process in Cyprus Has Lost Its Relevance

Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, emphasized during his speech at the 79th United Nations General Assembly that the federation process in Cyprus has lost its relevance. Erdoğan called on the international community to recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Publish Date: 25/09/24 13:40
reading time: 2 min.
Erdoğan: The Federation Process in Cyprus Has Lost Its Relevance
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Addressing the assembly, Erdoğan highlighted Turkey's key role in the Eastern Mediterranean, stating, “Turkey, the country with the longest coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean, has rights within its declared continental shelf to the north and west of Cyprus, and the Turkish Cypriots have rights around the entire island.”

Referring to the historical context, Erdoğan remarked, "It has been 50 years since the Cyprus Peace Operation and 61 years since the Cyprus issue emerged due to the Greeks seizing the partnership state. From that day to today, peace and calm have prevailed on the island. The Turkish Cypriots and Turkey have always shown genuine determination to bring a just, lasting, and sustainable solution to the Cyprus issue."

"Isolation Must End"

Erdoğan stressed that the federation model is no longer viable and reiterated, “There are two separate states and two separate peoples on the island. The inherent rights of the Turkish Cypriots to sovereign equality and equal international status must be reaffirmed, and isolation must end.”

In his concluding remarks, Erdoğan urged the international community once again, “Today, I call on the international community to recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and to establish diplomatic, political, and economic relations.”

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