reading time: 3 min.

Dursun Oğuz: 7,659 People Applied for the Immigration Amnesty, 6,165 Approved

Dursun Oğuz: 7,659 People Applied for the Immigration Amnesty, 6,165 Approved

Minister of Interior Dursun Oğuz revealed that 7,659 individuals applied for the Immigration Amnesty, and 6,165 of those applications were approved.

Publish Date: 25/09/24 13:52
reading time: 3 min.
Dursun Oğuz: 7,659 People Applied for the Immigration Amnesty, 6,165 Approved
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Speaking on Kıbrıs Postası TV, Minister Oğuz explained that not all applicants were approved, stating, “We had set conditions for this amnesty, but we approached it from a humanitarian standpoint as well.”

Appearing on Gökhan Altıner’s Sabah Postası program, Oğuz emphasized that the perception of the amnesty bringing criminals into the country is inaccurate. He clarified, “Everything under this amnesty was subject to a work permit. Those who wished to benefit from the amnesty in the TRNC either found employers or came based on family connections.” Oğuz also expressed his wish that everyone eligible could have benefited from the amnesty, adding, “We have turned the unknown into the known, contributing in this way.”

“The Notion That Criminals Were Granted Amnesty Is Not True”

Oğuz stressed that the Immigration Amnesty was specifically designed for the workforce and was fit for its purpose. He emphasized transparency by saying, “We can clarify any information people want. The idea that criminals were brought into the country through this amnesty is simply not true.”

Oğuz also addressed the misconception that criminals were being allowed into the country, explaining, “Many of these individuals have family ties, and we evaluate each case within this framework.”

“Decisions Have a Basis”

Minister Oğuz acknowledged that public criticism arises from a lack of understanding regarding the rationale behind decisions. He stated, “These decisions are based on humanistic and conscientious grounds. The state must solve problems and do so fairly.”

“The Purpose of Entry Into the Country Must Be Controlled”

Oğuz emphasized that the TRNC does not want to become a hub for international crime, nor does it want to be associated with unregistered or refugee-related issues. He highlighted the government’s active efforts to address these concerns, noting that infrastructure has been completed and technical shortcomings are being addressed. He further emphasized the importance of controlling the purpose of entry into the country.

“Not Everyone Who Comes to This Country Will Become a Citizen”

Reiterating that there is no automatic right to citizenship for everyone residing in the TRNC, Oğuz said, “The laws are clear, and there are specific conditions.” He concluded by assuring that the government is committed to solving ongoing issues and continues working to serve the public.

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