reading time: 1 min.

Selma Eylem: "The Only Path and Solution is a United Federal Cyprus"

Selma Eylem: "The Only Path and Solution is a United Federal Cyprus"

Selma Eylem, President of the Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Teachers Union (KTOEÖS), commented on Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan's call at the UN General Assembly for the recognition of the TRNC and the lifting of embargoes, stating that "the only path and solution is a united federal Cyprus."

Publish Date: 25/09/24 14:00
reading time: 1 min.
Selma Eylem: "The Only Path and Solution is a United Federal Cyprus"
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In a written statement, Eylem criticized President Erdoğan’s call, claiming it disregards international agreements. She further argued that these policies are leading Turkish Cypriots towards extinction and urged all pro-peace organizations to unite and fight for a federal solution and peace in Cyprus.

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