reading time: 7 min.

Erhürman: "The Path to a Solution is Dialogue, Diplomacy, and Negotiation"

Erhürman: "The Path to a Solution is Dialogue, Diplomacy, and Negotiation"

Tufan Erhürman, leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), delivered a speech during the Socialist International meeting held in New York on Wednesday.

Publish Date: 26/09/24 13:33
reading time: 7 min.
Erhürman: "The Path to a Solution is Dialogue, Diplomacy, and Negotiation"
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Speaking at a session titled "Investing in Dialogue and Diplomacy," Erhürman emphasized the urgent need for a solution to the Cyprus issue, stating, "The path to a solution is, of course, dialogue, diplomacy, and negotiation. However, it should not be forgotten that we have spent enough time at the negotiating tables in Cyprus. Therefore, the aim of dialogue and diplomacy should not only be to initiate a new negotiation process but to start a negotiation that will inevitably lead to results."

Erhürman underscored that a solution to the Cyprus issue is the key to peace and cooperation in the region, adding, "No one has the tolerance for another disappointment."

CTP’s Commitment to Peace and Democracy

During his speech, Erhürman provided a brief overview of the CTP’s history, emphasizing its long-standing commitment to peace, democracy, and justice. "Founded in 1970, the Republican Turkish Party is the oldest political party representing the Turkish Cypriot community. Since its inception, CTP has been firmly committed to peace, democracy, and justice in Cyprus and globally. Our vision for the future of Cyprus and our political stance is built upon these core principles," he said.

The CTP leader reiterated the party's support for a solution based on a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, in line with United Nations Security Council resolutions. Erhürman reminded the audience of the Annan Plan for a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus issue, presented by then-UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in November 2002. "The plan aimed to achieve a political settlement in accordance with relevant Security Council resolutions before Cyprus' accession to the European Union in 2004. While the plan was supported by 65% of Turkish Cypriots, it was rejected by 75% of Greek Cypriots, preventing its implementation."

The Stalemate Deepens the Status Quo

Erhürman pointed out that Cyprus subsequently joined the European Union as a divided country, highlighting the setbacks this caused in efforts to find a comprehensive solution. "Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership remained committed to a federal solution based on political equality until the Crans-Montana conference in June 2017, where their constructive stance was evident to all international actors present. Unfortunately, the failure of this and previous opportunities has left the Cyprus peace process in one of its most challenging deadlocks."

He further noted that the ongoing status quo continues to exacerbate divisions between the two communities, weakening the prospects for a peaceful settlement. "The status quo is deepening the impasse and further distancing the two communities, while reinforcing separatist policies on both sides of the Green Line. Externally, the geopolitical landscape in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East remains dynamic and volatile, with tragic events in Ukraine and Gaza reminding us that no conflict remains 'frozen.'"

Erhürman expressed concern over the human rights violations in Gaza and emphasized that the international community has not fulfilled its responsibilities. "In Gaza, we are witnessing attacks targeting civilians, denying access to basic needs, and the destruction of schools, places of worship, and hospitals. The international community has not done what it could or should have done," he said, calling for an immediate ceasefire and peace as a shared duty of all members of the Socialist International.

The Importance of Confidence-Building Measures

Erhürman also reiterated his party’s support for the UN Secretary-General's initiative earlier this year to restart formal negotiations for the Cyprus issue. He stressed the importance of maintaining dialogue and negotiations under UN auspices. "The UN Secretary-General has repeatedly stated that the new approach must be results-oriented, time-bound, and phased," Erhürman said.

He highlighted several key principles that should guide future negotiations:

  1. "Political equality should be agreed upon before negotiations begin, including the principle of rotational presidency and the need for at least one positive vote in decision-making at all federal institutions. Political equality must not be subject to negotiation or bargaining.

  2. All convergences reached during previous official negotiations, up to the Crans-Montana conference in 2017, must be upheld.

  3. A results-oriented methodology must be applied, with a clear timetable set in an urgent manner.

  4. Guarantees must be established before the formal negotiation process begins to prevent the continuation of the status quo in the event of another failure."

Erhürman emphasized the critical role of Confidence-Building Measures (CBMs) in bridging the divide between the two communities and fostering trust. "CBMs are essential to erode the status quo and demonstrate the potential benefits of a federal partnership. They should also increase the necessary trust between all sides."

Cooperation in Energy and Economic Projects

Turning to the issue of energy cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean, Erhürman advocated for a more integrated approach involving Cyprus and Turkey. He proposed that natural gas from the Eastern Mediterranean could be transported to European markets most feasibly and safely through a pipeline connecting Cyprus and Turkey. He also suggested that electricity interconnection projects between Cyprus and Turkey, supported by the European Union, would be both economically and technically viable. "All independent studies to date confirm that these projects would be more feasible if implemented between Cyprus and Turkey," he said.

Erhürman concluded by expressing his belief that interim agreements between the two Cypriot communities, focusing on such projects, could have a profound impact on the overall political solution for the island.

"These initiatives could significantly contribute to building the trust and cooperation needed for a comprehensive political settlement. It is crucial that we focus on dialogue, diplomacy, and negotiations that will yield results. We cannot afford another disappointment."

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