reading time: 5 min.

Üstel: "Those Trying to Stir Trouble in UBP Will Be Disappointed"

Üstel: "Those Trying to Stir Trouble in UBP Will Be Disappointed"

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the "Barrier-Free Living House," Prime Minister Ünal Üstel addressed the 23rd Ordinary Congress of the National Unity Party (UBP), which took place last weekend. Üstel made a bold statement, saying, "Those trying to divide UBP will be disappointed."

Publish Date: 26/09/24 13:35
reading time: 5 min.
Üstel: "Those Trying to Stir Trouble in UBP Will Be Disappointed"
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The "Barrier-Free Living House," designed for individuals with disabilities, was officially opened today by Prime Minister Üstel during a special ceremony.

During his speech, Üstel emphasized the significance of the UBP's 23rd Ordinary General Congress, which took place last weekend. He stated, "We successfully concluded our congress, closed that chapter, and opened a new one. There is still much work to be done for our country. However, those who want to sow discord in UBP, those who continuously try to stir trouble within the party, believe they can take us back to 2012-2013. They are mistaken. UBP is united, whole, and committed to serving with passion."

Üstel further added, "Let them think what they will, but with my parliamentary group, ministers, and coalition partners, I’ve always said this: we will continue to serve the public with stability until 2027. There is no stopping; we will continue on our path."

"No One Should Cast Doubt on Anyone"

Üstel also announced that the Republic’s Assembly would be opening in the coming days, and that they would be working on all the necessary laws, projects, and reforms that the country needs. He stated, "No one should cast doubt on anyone. We trust the chair of our Party Assembly, and all those who were candidates are our comrades. Next week, with the opening of the Assembly, we will continue serving the public. The people have placed their trust in us, and they demonstrated that by participating in the congress. As Prime Minister, together with my ministers and MPs, we will continue serving the people as a united whole."

Visit to Ankara...

Üstel also mentioned that he would be visiting Ankara next week, with the aim of finding a permanent solution to the country’s energy issues.

Reflecting on the government's achievements, Üstel highlighted that from the moment they took office, they had committed to completing all unfinished projects. He pointed to the completion of Ercan Airport, bypass roads, the Barrier-Free Living House, and the Kalkanlı Life House as examples of their progress.

Üstel stated that his team of ministers, MPs, and coalition partners had been working tirelessly day and night, prioritizing urgent matters, unfinished projects, and reforms. He noted that they had already completed many projects in all six districts.

Highlighting the efforts to integrate individuals with disabilities into social life, Üstel stated that they had been one of the few governments to take action in this regard. He emphasized that the second phase of the Barrier-Free Living House would be completed quickly through the cooperation of the government, private sector, and other institutions.

"In Cabinet, We Addressed Citizens' Complaints... Main Issue is High Costs"

Following the UBP congress, the first Cabinet meeting took place today, during which Üstel said that they discussed the complaints received from citizens, primarily related to the high cost of living. He noted that there were criticisms about the lack of inspections as well.

Üstel explained, "We have already started working with my ministerial colleagues on this issue. By 2025, we aim to provide significant assistance to the public in these matters. We are looking at how we can lower the cost of living, whether through legal regulations or increased inspections. Whatever is necessary, we will do it."

He also reminded that the Republic’s Assembly would begin its new legislative session in the coming days, adding, "We will implement all the laws, projects, and reforms that our country needs."

Offering a message of unity, Üstel concluded by saying, "With our 29 MPs in the Republic’s Assembly, we will continue moving forward as one. Our main concern is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and serving our people."

Üstel’s Thanks to Erdoğan

Prime Minister Üstel also expressed gratitude to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who made a call for international recognition of the TRNC during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Üstel thanked Erdoğan on behalf of the Turkish Cypriot people for his efforts.

He also mentioned that Southern Cyprus had signed an energy integration protocol with Greece, pointing out that the TRNC and Turkey had signed a similar protocol a year earlier. Üstel announced that the feasibility reports were complete and that he would visit Ankara next week as part of ongoing efforts to find a permanent solution to the energy crisis.

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