reading time: 4 min.

Özel: "We Are the Most Determined Party When It Comes to Protecting Rights on the Cyprus Issue"

Özel: "We Are the Most Determined Party When It Comes to Protecting Rights on the Cyprus Issue"

Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Özgür Özel emphasized that there are shortcomings in communicating the Cyprus issue to the world, stating, "We are determined on this matter. There may be areas where we disagree with Turkey's President Erdoğan. We are the main opposition party in Turkey, but abroad, we represent the nation. When it comes to Cyprus, we are the most determined party in protecting rights. We have historical ties with Cyprus."

Publish Date: 27/09/24 14:18
reading time: 4 min.
Özel: "We Are the Most Determined Party When It Comes to Protecting Rights on the Cyprus Issue"
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President Ersin Tatar, who is in New York for the 79th United Nations General Assembly, met with CHP Chairman Özel.

During the meeting at the Türkevi in New York, President Tatar expressed his satisfaction with hosting Özel at the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) representation.

According to a statement from the Presidency, Tatar highlighted the significance of the TRNC having a representative office in the Türkevi, emphasizing both the political and symbolic importance of this gesture from Turkey.

Özel's Reaction at the Socialist International Meeting

President Tatar also noted Özel's reaction to accusations made by an AKEL representative during a Socialist International Meeting in New York, where Turkey was labeled as an occupier in Cyprus. Özel initially walked out of the meeting and later responded, defending Turkey’s position. Tatar expressed his gratitude for Özel's stance.

Recalling the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, Tatar honored the memory of the late Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit and Deputy Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan, who led the operation, and paid tribute to the fallen soldiers and veterans.

Tatar further reflected on the historical context, stating that the Greek Cypriot side viewed the 1960 establishment of the Republic of Cyprus as a stepping stone to Enosis (union with Greece) and that attacks on Turkish Cypriots began three years later. He emphasized that Turkish Cypriots have been under isolation since 1963 and condemned the recognition of the Greek Cypriot government as the sole legitimate government under UN Resolution 186.

Tatar stated that despite decades of misleading the international community, the Greek Cypriot side continues to present itself as the representative of all Cyprus, while Turkish Cypriots remain subject to embargoes and isolation.

Discussing recent developments, Tatar welcomed the unanimous adoption of a new political policy regarding Cyprus in Turkey's Parliament on July 18, 2024. He praised President Erdoğan for his calls to lift embargoes on Turkish Cypriots and for recognition of the TRNC during his speeches at the 77th, 78th, and 79th UN General Assemblies.

Tatar emphasized that despite non-recognition, the TRNC is working in partnership with Turkey to share resources and protect its rights across the island and the Mediterranean. He rejected claims that Turkey is an occupier, stressing that it has been the guarantor of peace, security, and stability for both Turkish and Greek Cypriots for 50 years.

Özel: "We Are the Most Determined Party in Protecting Cyprus’ Rights"

CHP leader Özel expressed his pride in being at the Türkevi and the TRNC representation, noting the building’s significance as a symbol of unity between Turkey and the TRNC.

Özel, recounting his response to AKEL’s accusations at the Socialist International Meeting, said: “When no one reacted, we left the hall. After the speech, we took the floor and expressed Turkey’s strong and rightful stance. We reminded everyone that Turkey brought peace to Cyprus and could have taken the whole island if it had intended to occupy it."

Özel concluded by emphasizing his party’s determination to defend Cyprus’ rights internationally, regardless of differences in domestic politics with President Erdoğan. "We may have disagreements in Turkey, but abroad, we are united. We are the most determined party in protecting Cyprus' rights. Our historical ties with Cyprus are unbreakable,” he said.

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