reading time: 1 min.

Yeltekin: Living Conditions for Minimum Wage Workers Are Unbearable

Yeltekin: Living Conditions for Minimum Wage Workers Are Unbearable

Ali Yeltekin, General Secretary of the Cyprus Turkish Office, Bank, Insurance, and Trade Workers Union (BASS), stated that living conditions for minimum wage workers have reached an unbearable level.

Publish Date: 02/10/24 15:59
reading time: 1 min.
Yeltekin: Living Conditions for Minimum Wage Workers Are Unbearable
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He emphasized that the cause of the economic crisis is not the workers or their wages, declaring, "Workers are not the cause of inflation; they are its victims."

In a written statement, Yeltekin criticized the government for pursuing measures that increase inflation while the cost of living continues to rise.

He pointed out that the decision to raise electricity tariffs by 15% on the night the third minimum wage for 2024 was determined is a clear indication that the government is a major contributor to inflation in the country.

Yeltekin remarked, "As long as the government fails to take steps regarding public resources, revenues, production costs, identifying the informal economy and illegal workers, encouraging TRNC citizens to work in the private sector, and supporting the reduction of basic food prices, the TRNC government will continue to be the champion of price hikes."

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