reading time: 2 min.

Üstel: We Are Proud to Be Part of the Organization of Turkic States

Üstel: We Are Proud to Be Part of the Organization of Turkic States

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel celebrated the anniversary of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) by expressing pride in the TRNC's role within the organization. In his message, he said, "We, as the TRNC, are proud to be part of the OTS."

Publish Date: 03/10/24 14:33
reading time: 2 min.
Üstel: We Are Proud to Be Part of the Organization of Turkic States
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In a statement released by the Prime Ministry’s Press and Public Relations Department, Üstel highlighted the significance of the organization, noting, "We celebrate the anniversary of the Organization of Turkic States with great excitement and pride. The OTS is an important platform that strengthens our brotherhood, cultural, and political ties, drawing power from our shared history."

Üstel emphasized the honor and responsibility of the TRNC's observer status in the OTS, stating, "This position is a testament to the strong solidarity between our peoples and our deep ties with the Turkic world. We wholeheartedly believe that the OTS will continue to deepen cooperation among Turkic states, enhancing peace, prosperity, and stability."

Concluding his message, Üstel extended his wishes for success to the leaders and people of the member states, saying, "We are proud to be a part of this strong union and firmly believe that our cooperation will continue to grow."

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