reading time: 4 min.

Akansoy: US Defense Agreement with "Half-Baked" Republic of Cyprus Raises Concerns

Akansoy: US Defense Agreement with "Half-Baked" Republic of Cyprus Raises Concerns

CTP General Secretary Asım Akansoy voiced his concerns about the United States forming a defense agreement with the Republic of Cyprus, calling it a "half-baked structure." He stressed the importance of equality and sustainable political solutions for Cyprus.

Publish Date: 04/10/24 13:45
reading time: 4 min.
Akansoy: US Defense Agreement with "Half-Baked" Republic of Cyprus Raises Concerns
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Republican Turkish Party (CTP) General Secretary Asım Akansoy stated that the CTP is well-prepared and ready to stand on solid ground in both the government and the presidency. Speaking in an interview on Ada TV, Akansoy noted that the international community has already begun to listen to the CTP's perspectives.

"A Sustainable, Secure, Functional, and Equal Structure"

Discussing the Cyprus issue, Akansoy emphasized that the recent developments in the energy sector would bring the matter back into the spotlight. He expressed concern over the United States forming a defense agreement with what he described as a "half-baked structure" like the Republic of Cyprus. "The world is entering a new phase, and we must consider what this means. The old order is disappearing, and although the new order is not yet fully formed, there are serious discussions on how it will take shape," he said.

Akansoy pointed to the global power struggle between China and Russia on one side, and the United States and the European Union on the other. He also mentioned that parallels were being drawn to the 1960 period, noting that any changes to the status quo would not be legally possible without the approval of the guarantor states that established the Republic of Cyprus.

He stressed the need for a sustainable, secure, and functional political structure based on equality, noting that the failures of the past should not be repeated. "We need a model that guarantees equality and avoids the crises and issues of the past," Akansoy said. He added that the fate of Cyprus should be determined by its people, cautioning against externally imposed models.

"The International Community Is Already Listening to Us"

Akansoy underscored the importance of gaining the approval of the international community for the political approach being pursued. He reiterated that the CTP is preparing thoroughly and that their position is based on the United Nations framework. "We have said repeatedly that we do not want to enter a random negotiation process. We are not even starting negotiations the day after. Serious preparation is required for a results-oriented process," Akansoy stated.

He also emphasized that political equality is non-negotiable and warned that any disruption in negotiations by one party should not lead to a return to the status quo. "It is crucial that both sides maintain equality throughout the process," he said.

Akansoy criticized President Tatar's approach to negotiations, describing it as divisive and regressive. "We need to stand on solid ground, both in government and the presidency," he concluded.

Focusing on the country's economic situation, Akansoy criticized the current government's lack of economic planning. "This government is not managing the country. The economic crisis is primarily due to the failure to manage the economy," he said, highlighting the urgency of addressing the nation's economic challenges.

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