reading time: 2 min.

Töre: "Parliamentary Stability is Key, and I Am Ready to Serve Again"

Töre: "Parliamentary Stability is Key, and I Am Ready to Serve Again"

Speaker of the Republic's Assembly, Zorlu Töre, addressed questions during a program on Cyprus Genç TV, where he expressed his intention to run for a second term as Speaker. He highlighted his extensive experience and knowledge, noting that during UBP governments, the Speaker usually served for three years, and he has continued in this role for two years so far.

Publish Date: 04/10/24 13:50
reading time: 2 min.
Töre: "Parliamentary Stability is Key, and I Am Ready to Serve Again"
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Töre emphasized that while there is a constant call for stability within the government, the same should apply to the workings of the Assembly. He expressed his readiness to continue in his position if stability within the Assembly is desired.

When asked about the stance of CTP (Republican Turkish Party) regarding the Speaker candidacy, Töre mentioned that some CTP members had made remarks against him, some bordering on insults. He said, “Of course, having Zorlu Töre as Speaker doesn't suit CTP. I have always directly opposed any movement that stands against the national cause. I have a national struggle, and it will continue."

Töre pointed out that during his tenure as Speaker, the Assembly's reputation had grown significantly, and numerous initiatives had been implemented to bring its work to a wider audience. He also stressed that the most important of these efforts was ensuring the Assembly maintained a "national stance."

He proudly mentioned that 107 laws had passed through the General Assembly during his time as Speaker, and he assured that many more laws, aimed at making life easier for the public, would be on the agenda in the coming term.

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