reading time: 1 min.

Özkunt Criticizes Ercan Airport: "A Disgrace for Our Country!"

Özkunt Criticizes Ercan Airport: "A Disgrace for Our Country!"

Secretary-General of the Communal Democracy Party (TDP), Nevzat Özkunt, voiced his strong criticism over a 90-minute delay in luggage delivery at Ercan Airport, calling the situation a "disgrace" and targeting the Istanbul Handling company for mismanagement.

Publish Date: 07/10/24 15:11
reading time: 1 min.
Özkunt Criticizes Ercan Airport: "A Disgrace for Our Country!"
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In a social media post, Özkunt described the experience as unacceptable, saying:

Ercan Airport is currently a disgrace for our country. Tonight, we reached Ercan from Ankara in an hour, but passengers waited nearly 1.5 hours for their luggage. Only 10-12 bags were placed on the belt at a time, with a 15-minute pause in between. This torment for passengers is completely unacceptable.

Istanbul Handling, do you have the right to cause such chaos for people? Making 2-3 workers handle luggage for three planes is ridiculous. Did you cut worker wages or are you simply incapable of organizing? If you can't do the job, step aside and let someone else take over. You've managed to botch such a simple task. Shame on you."

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