reading time: 2 min.

Erhürman Calls for Early Elections

Erhürman Calls for Early Elections

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) leader Tufan Erhürman has called for early general elections, addressing the ongoing political deadlock in the country.

Publish Date: 08/10/24 16:00
reading time: 2 min.
Erhürman Calls for Early Elections
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Speaking to Kanal Sim before the CTP Central Executive Committee (MYK) meeting, Erhürman emphasized that there is no alternative to early elections in resolving the current political crisis.

He highlighted the inefficiency of the recent parliamentary session, where 29 members of parliament failed to elect a new speaker after an all-day session from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., calling it a clear example of the political gridlock.

Erhürman criticized the Ulusal Birlik Partisi (UBP), accusing the party of being more concerned with personal positions and titles than with the real issues facing society. He pointed out the stark contrast between the UBP's internal struggles and the public’s actual concerns.

"The country’s leadership is failing, but ultimately, it is up to the public to judge," Erhürman said, adding that CTP has demonstrated responsibility but sees no solution other than early elections.

Erhürman concluded by questioning the significance of electing a speaker now, as it wouldn’t address the underlying issues. "The real issue is the need for the country's will to be renewed as soon as possible. That is why early elections should be held at the earliest possible date," he stressed.


Source: Kanal SİM

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