reading time: 2 min.

Üstel: "Early Elections Are Not on Our Agenda"

Üstel: "Early Elections Are Not on Our Agenda"

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel made his first statement regarding the ongoing Parliament Speaker crisis, asserting, "UBP has never shied away from elections, but right now, it's not on our agenda."

Publish Date: 09/10/24 12:31
reading time: 2 min.
Üstel: "Early Elections Are Not on Our Agenda"
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Speaking on the issue, Üstel blamed the opposition CTP for the continued deadlock in Parliament, stating, "We are here waiting for the parliament to open, but it hasn’t."

Highlighting that their priority is not an early election but ensuring Parliament functions and focusing on the economy, Üstel emphasized, "We will remain persistent in this."

When asked if Kutlu Evren would be elected as Speaker this time, Üstel confidently replied, "He will be elected this time." In response to a question on why those who voted against Evren on Monday would vote in his favor now, Üstel, smiling, said, "That is an internal UBP matter."

Additionally, before Üstel's statement, the UBP-DP-YDP Government gathered in the Parliament Speaker’s office without officially convening the General Assembly, which the opposition described as "illegal." While government deputies took their seats, the CTP deputies protested. The government invited the media, stating, "The Prime Minister will make an announcement," signaling, "We are here, open the Parliament."

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