reading time: 2 min.

CTP Proposes Early Elections for December 15

CTP Proposes Early Elections for December 15

Tufan Erhürman, leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), announced during a press conference at Parliament that they have submitted a proposal for early elections. Erhürman stated that they are proposing December 15, 2024, as the date, emphasizing that recent developments clearly show the country is ungovernable.

Publish Date: 09/10/24 12:33
reading time: 2 min.
CTP Proposes Early Elections for December 15
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Erhürman remarked, "What we are witnessing in Parliament demonstrates that it is no longer feasible to expect any positive outcomes from this structure. There is no choice but to return to the will of the people."

Referring to the controversy surrounding the election of the Parliament Speaker, Erhürman pointed out that despite the government holding 29 seats, 26 "no" votes were cast in the speaker election, and now it is claimed that 27 "yes" votes will be secured. "This contradiction highlights how poorly the country is being managed," he said.

He further stressed that the country's economic and political crisis is deepening, stating, "While the country is facing serious issues and the economy is hitting rock bottom, we are wasting time with political games."

Erhürman also noted that President Ersin Tatar's early return from abroad did nothing to resolve the crisis, adding that the current political structure is unsustainable. "We will not reward those who are both guilty and strong. It is urgent to move away from this system. We have proposed early elections and taken a step to lead the country out of this chaos," he concluded.

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