reading time: 3 min.

Arıklı Criticizes Opposition: "Master Players Don't Fall for Fool's Mate"

Arıklı Criticizes Opposition: "Master Players Don't Fall for Fool's Mate"

Minister of Public Works and Transport, Erhan Arıklı, used a chess metaphor to comment on the recent developments in the Parliamentary Speaker elections, stating, "If you don’t know when to make your move, you’ll be checkmated. But a fool's mate is different; master players don’t fall for fool's mate."

Publish Date: 09/10/24 12:37
reading time: 3 min.
Arıklı Criticizes Opposition: "Master Players Don't Fall for Fool's Mate"
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Arıklı criticized the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) for its weak strategies.

In his social media post, Arıklı analyzed the situation surrounding the Speaker's election using chess terminology, emphasizing that the opposition's strategic failures led to a "fool's mate."

Arıklı highlighted the government's initial shock during the first day of the Speaker election, especially after changing candidates, with the new candidate receiving 26 rejection votes, further deepening the crisis.

He criticized CTP MP Fazilet Özdenefe for refusing to open the Parliament and ignoring Article 14/4 of the internal regulations, suggesting that CTP aimed to deepen the crisis and put the government in a difficult position.

"If Parliament Had Opened, the Government Would Have Been in a Worse Position"

Arıklı explained that had Parliament opened, the government could have faced greater difficulties, and the Speaker election could have failed again.

He also mentioned the government's efforts to urgently recall President Ersin Tatar from abroad and how Zorlu Töre's hospitalization due to health issues complicated matters.

Despite the government's formal written request to Özdenefe to open Parliament, CTP’s refusal weakened the opposition's position, Arıklı claimed.

"Responsibility Fell on CTP"

Arıklı pointed out that Prime Minister Ünal Üstel managed to shift the blame for the Parliament’s failure to convene and the inability to elect a Speaker onto CTP. "Twenty-six MPs entered the General Assembly and called on Fazilet Özdenefe to open Parliament, but when she refused despite being present, the responsibility of the day fell on CTP," he said.

Chess Lesson from Arıklı: "Master Players Don’t Fall for Fool's Mate"

In conclusion, Arıklı emphasized the importance of strategic timing in chess, noting that the opposition had fallen for a fool's mate, a situation that master players should avoid.

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