reading time: 2 min.

Ünal Üstel: We Will Not Allow Chaos

Ünal Üstel: We Will Not Allow Chaos

In a statement regarding the recent events in the Assembly, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel declared, "We will not allow chaos; we will maintain stability." Speaking exclusively to Kıbrıs Gazetesi about yesterday's events that have impacted today, Üstel emphasized the need for order.

Publish Date: 09/10/24 15:24
reading time: 2 min.
Ünal Üstel: We Will Not Allow Chaos
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He pointed out that, according to the Assembly's internal regulations, the responsibility to open the Assembly lies with the Deputy Speaker, Fazilet Özdenefe, due to the Speaker's absence. However, he criticized the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) for not allowing the Assembly to convene, accusing them of attempting to push the country into chaos.

"The Assembly Must Open Immediately"

Üstel stressed that this behavior from the CTP is unacceptable and called for the Assembly to open as soon as possible, conduct elections for the presidency, and pass necessary laws to address the country's issues.

Reaffirming their commitment to maintaining the stability that has been achieved, Üstel reiterated, "We will not allow chaos; we will maintain stability."

He also criticized the CTP's calls for early elections, stating that the country needs action rather than elections at this time. "The UBP is the party best prepared for elections. We are not afraid of early elections, but now is the time for service, not for elections," he said, urging the CTP leadership to abandon their chaotic approach.


Source: Kıbrıs 

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