reading time: 2 min.

Drug Case Concludes After 10 Months: Defendants Sent to Prison

Drug Case Concludes After 10 Months: Defendants Sent to Prison

The trial of Ömer Kumlutepe, Umut Bahçeci, and Amor Buya Kamara, who were charged with possession of narcotics, concluded at the Nicosia High Criminal Court 10 months after it began. The court sentenced Kumlutepe to two years in prison, Bahçeci to one year and six months, and Kamara to six months.

Publish Date: 10/10/24 13:41
reading time: 2 min.
Drug Case Concludes After 10 Months: Defendants Sent to Prison
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The decision was read by Judge Tutku Candaş, with Senior Judge Vedia Berkut Barkın and Judge Füsun Cemaller also on the panel.

Judge Candaş recalled that on January 5, 2023, at around 5:20 p.m., Gönyeli municipality officers and the Gönyeli police stopped a vehicle driven by Kumlutepe, with Bahçeci and Muhammed Dindar as passengers. Upon searching the vehicle, 5 grams of cannabis, 3.5 grams of synthetic cannabinoids, 1 gram of cocaine, and 3 precision scales were found.

Bahçeci was seen throwing a black bag out of the window, which was later found to contain 10 grams of cannabis, 5 grams of cocaine, and a precision scale.

Judge Candaş emphasized the prevalence of drug crimes and the threat they pose to society, stating that deterrent punishments were necessary. The presence of multiple types of drugs in the vehicle was considered an aggravating factor for Kumlutepe and Kamara.

While noting that young people often fall into drug use due to bad influences, the judge took into account that the defendants had been awaiting trial in custody for 10 months, cooperated with the justice system, and pleaded guilty.

As a result, Kumlutepe was sentenced to two years in prison, Bahçeci to one year and six months, and Kamara to six months.

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