reading time: 3 min.

Hasipoğlu: "CTP Violating the Constitution, Engaging in Political Trickery"

Hasipoğlu: "CTP Violating the Constitution, Engaging in Political Trickery"

General Secretary of the National Unity Party (UBP), Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, accused the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) of blatantly violating both the Constitution and internal regulations while engaging in political maneuvering.

Publish Date: 10/10/24 13:45
reading time: 3 min.
Hasipoğlu: "CTP Violating the Constitution, Engaging in Political Trickery"
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Hasipoğlu emphasized that, despite CTP's dissatisfaction with the government, they are obligated to open the Assembly and criticized their actions as unprecedented in the Assembly's history.

"Özdenefe Was in the Chair During the Last Recess"

Speaking on Kıbrıs Postası TV’s "Sabah Postası" program, hosted by Gökhan Altıner, Hasipoğlu reminded viewers that the Assembly has been waiting for two days since the last recess. He pointed out that when the recess was called, Fazilet Özdenefe was presiding over the Assembly in the absence of Speaker Zorlu Töre, who was hospitalized.

"Legislative and Executive Should Be Separated in a Parliamentary System"

Referring to the authority granted to Özdenefe as Deputy Speaker, Hasipoğlu stressed that the internal regulations clearly state that in the Speaker's absence, the Deputy Speaker holds the authority. He also underscored the importance of maintaining a separation between legislative and executive powers in a parliamentary system.

"CTP Is Openly Violating the Constitution and Regulations"

Hasipoğlu explained that if another attempt to elect a Speaker fails, then the conversation about early elections could begin. However, he argued that trying to block the vote from proceeding to five rounds, as required, constitutes a clear violation of the Constitution and internal regulations. He accused CTP of flagrantly disregarding these rules.

"This Has Never Happened in the Assembly's History"

While acknowledging that CTP may be unhappy with the government, Hasipoğlu insisted that they must still open the Assembly. He described the situation as political trickery and emphasized that such behavior is unprecedented in the history of the Assembly.

Hasipoğlu also dismissed the calls for early elections, stating that there is neither a justification nor the proper conditions for such a move. He emphasized that the government has important projects and commitments that it intends to fulfill within the next two years.

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