reading time: 2 min.

Night of Shame: Major Political Scandal in Turkish Cypriot History

Night of Shame: Major Political Scandal in Turkish Cypriot History

The Turkish Cypriot political scene witnessed one of its biggest scandals last night as Zorlu Töre, the National Unity Party's (UBP) candidate for the position of Parliamentary Speaker, failed to secure enough votes despite being put to vote nine times.

Publish Date: 11/10/24 13:49
reading time: 2 min.
Night of Shame: Major Political Scandal in Turkish Cypriot History
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The series of failed elections culminated in Töre losing the final round of voting with 23 votes in favor, 25 against, and 1 invalid vote, leaving him short of the required majority.

Following his defeat, Töre made an unprecedented move by attempting to alter the official parliamentary records, declaring himself as Speaker from the podium. This action, which was caught on camera, caused outrage. The legal documents prepared by the parliament's legal advisors clearly stated that Töre had lost the vote.

The chaos surrounding the Speaker election has led to political uncertainty. While it remains unclear how the government will respond, Tufan Erhürman, the leader of the main opposition Republican Turkish Party (CTP), delivered a scathing statement, condemning the events as not a "game," but a "disgrace." Erhürman further emphasized that the government had effectively ground to a halt, declaring, "From this point forward, the only agenda is early elections."

Tensions ran high during the parliamentary session, with a physical altercation breaking out. UBP MP Ahmet Savaşan reportedly attacked CTP MPs, causing a brawl in the general assembly.

The political crisis has cast a dark shadow over the functioning of the government and raised serious concerns about its future stability.

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