reading time: 1 min.

Zeki Çeler: A Candidate Not Supported by the Majority Cannot Be Elected Speaker

Zeki Çeler: A Candidate Not Supported by the Majority Cannot Be Elected Speaker

TDP Leader Zeki Çeler emphasized that the parliamentary rules are clear, stating, "A candidate who is not supported by the majority of MPs cannot be elected Speaker." He argued that the votes of 23 cannot be shown as greater than 25.

Publish Date: 11/10/24 14:09
reading time: 1 min.
Zeki Çeler: A Candidate Not Supported by the Majority Cannot Be Elected Speaker
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In a written statement, Çeler claimed that the Attorney General’s opinion on the election results would not have any legal binding and suggested that an "acceptable person" should be elected to ensure the proper functioning of the parliament. He dismissed the possibility of Töre winning with 23 votes, calling such a claim undemocratic.

Çeler also pointed out that the Attorney General’s opinion would be merely advisory, adding that any ruling in favor of Töre's win would be "political, not legal." He criticized the Ulusal Birlik Partisi (UBP) for seeking the Attorney General’s opinion, stressing that parliamentary procedures are clear enough without external legal advice.

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