reading time: 1 min.

Ürün Solyalı: The Government Has Lost Its Power to Rule, Its Time Is Up

Ürün Solyalı: The Government Has Lost Its Power to Rule, Its Time Is Up

CTP (Republican Turkish Party) MP Ürün Solyalı stated that the government no longer has a viable duration to continue and declared, "The government has lost its power to rule."

Publish Date: 11/10/24 14:16
reading time: 1 min.
Ürün Solyalı: The Government Has Lost Its Power to Rule, Its Time Is Up
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In his remarks assessing the events in the Assembly, Solyalı emphasized that the government is powerless and has been continuing its existence through struggles for positions.

Solyalı pointed out that not only does the government lack any beneficial initiatives for society, but it also has no time left to carry on. "We saw this clearly in the race for the Speaker of the Assembly. The government has lost its power to rule," he added.

Speaking on the "Sabah Postası" program hosted by Gökhan Altıner on Kıbrıs Postası TV, Solyalı recalled that Zorlu Töre had obtained and altered the Assembly minutes to reflect a victory. He stated, "If that document has been altered and signed, I will go to the police."

Solyalı remarked that if Zorlu Töre did this, it would constitute forgery of official documents, stressing that such a matter could be brought before the Criminal Court.

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