reading time: 2 min.

New Species Discovered in Cyprus Named After Rauf Denktaş

New Species Discovered in Cyprus Named After Rauf Denktaş

Professor Dr. Okan Külköylüoğlu has introduced two newly discovered ostracod species, "Eucypris lefkosaensis" and "Eucypris denktasi," into the scientific literature. Külköylüoğlu, Head of the Biology Department at Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, named one of the species after the late founding President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Rauf Denktaş.

Publish Date: 14/10/24 11:25
reading time: 2 min.
New Species Discovered in Cyprus Named After Rauf Denktaş
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In 2022, Külköylüoğlu visited the TRNC to conduct fieldwork as part of a master’s thesis by his student, Ahmet Özdilek. Over 80 aquatic habitats were sampled using scientific methods. Subsequent analyses and comparisons of the collected samples led to the discovery of two new ostracod species, small microscopic crustaceans.

One of these species, Eucypris denktasi, was named in honor of Rauf Denktaş, while the other, Eucypris lefkosaensis, was named after the city of Nicosia. Külköylüoğlu's research was published in the September edition of Zootaxa, an international journal dedicated to animal taxonomy.

"Honored to Include Denktaş's Name in the Scientific Community"

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA), Professor Külköylüoğlu expressed his satisfaction in contributing two new species to science and in naming one after Denktaş. “During our fieldwork in the TRNC, we examined 80 water sources and used scientific methods to sample them. We found these two species in Nicosia,” Külköylüoğlu said.

The newly discovered species are distinguished by unique features in their shell structures, with sizes ranging from 0.6 to 0.7 millimeters. “We separate their shells using needles we've developed, extract the soft tissue, and place it in a special solution called lactophenol for identification,” he explained.

Külköylüoğlu emphasized the significance of naming one of the species after Rauf Denktaş, saying, "Mr. Denktaş was not only important for Northern Cyprus but also for Turkey and the world. He was a man of ideas and struggle, and history will always remember him. We are happy to honor his name in the scientific community in this way.”

The other species, Eucypris lefkosaensis, marks the first time the city of Nicosia has been named after a species in scientific literature.

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