reading time: 2 min.

Hasipoğlu: "CTP Has Made the Federal Solution an Obsession"

Hasipoğlu: "CTP Has Made the Federal Solution an Obsession"

Secretary-General of the National Unity Party (UBP), Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, criticized the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) for being fixated on the federal solution model, claiming that it is now obsolete. His comments came in response to CTP Secretary-General Asım Akansoy's call for President Ersin Tatar to resign.

Publish Date: 14/10/24 11:48
reading time: 2 min.
Hasipoğlu: "CTP Has Made the Federal Solution an Obsession"
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Hasipoğlu expressed his dismay at Akansoy's statement, saying, "President Tatar was elected with the support of the Turkish Cypriot people by advocating for a two-state solution and has naturally assumed the role of negotiator for the Turkish Cypriot people." He described the remarks as an attempt to undermine Tatar's reputation ahead of the upcoming informal meeting on October 15.

In his statement, Hasipoğlu argued that the federal solution model is no longer relevant, accusing the CTP of refusing to acknowledge this reality. He also called on the CTP to heed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's recent address at the UN General Assembly, which emphasized the acceptance of sovereign equality as a cornerstone of Turkish Cypriot diplomacy.

Hasipoğlu criticized the CTP's insistence on federation as the sole option, claiming it provides comfort to the Greek Cypriot leader and hampers progress for the Turkish Cypriots. He urged the CTP to support demands for sovereignty and equal status in negotiations, asserting that the Turkish Cypriot people can no longer afford to wait for the Greek Cypriot side's approval.

He concluded by calling on the CTP to join the UBP in presenting a unified stance internationally, asking, "Isn't what we're asking for our legitimate and existing right? What do we have to lose by speaking with one voice?"

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