reading time: 4 min.

Tatar's Message Before New York Visit: No Compromise on Sovereignty

Tatar's Message Before New York Visit: No Compromise on Sovereignty

President Ersin Tatar, speaking at Ercan Airport before departing for New York, reiterated his wish for a "two-state solution" and emphasized that there will be no compromise on statehood and sovereignty.

Publish Date: 14/10/24 13:07
reading time: 4 min.
Tatar's Message Before New York Visit: No Compromise on Sovereignty
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President Tatar left the TRNC this morning to travel to New York, where he was seen off by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu and other officials.

In his statement at the airport, Tatar stressed that the Turkish Cypriots are only fighting for their own rights, without any claims on the rights of others. "We are only seeking our rights, based on equality, to continue our existence in this country," he said.

Tatar mentioned that, during the 79th United Nations General Assembly meetings, they would be attending an informal dinner with the UN Secretary-General, which will take place tomorrow evening in New York. "This is an informal dinner without an agenda," he said, adding that this is not an ordinary meal and that there are important matters to consider in handling this process carefully.

"We will be there to defend our rightful cause," said President Tatar, recalling that the UN Secretary-General's Personal Representative, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, had stated during her tenure that no common ground could be found. He reiterated that a common ground can only be established if the sovereign rights of the Turkish Cypriots are recognized.

Tatar stated that the Turkish Cypriot people's right to sovereignty is enshrined in the 1960 Agreements and criticized the Greek Cypriot side for presenting the Republic of Cyprus to the world as their own, despite rejecting the Annan Plan and still being admitted to the European Union. He also noted that the Greek Cypriots, through various tactics, have exacerbated the embargoes and restrictions already imposed, creating economic difficulties for the TRNC, particularly in tourism and higher education.

"We cannot compromise on the sovereignty of the Turkish Cypriots," said Tatar. "We have no desire for anyone else's rights. We are only defending our own, based on equality, so that we can continue our existence in this country." He also raised the issue of "direct flights, direct trade, and direct contacts" as ongoing demands.

Tatar reminded that talks had been held for years to reach a federal agreement, but no results were achieved. Referring to Turkish President Erdoğan's recent speech at the UN General Assembly, Tatar emphasized: "I am going to New York with this understanding because, of course, behind me stands a strong motherland and the words of our President. And what did our President say? He made it clear that the chapter on federation is now closed. Why? Because no concrete results were achieved in the negotiations conducted over 50 years."

Stressing that there are red lines that cannot be crossed, President Tatar said, "We will not allow the Turkish Cypriots to become refugees again. We cannot compromise on the sovereignty of the Turkish Cypriots."

"The two-state solution is our desire and hope," said Tatar. "With these sentiments, I am heading to New York. At this dinner, I will do my utmost, with responsibility, my experience, and my knowledge, to defend the rights and national cause of the Turkish Cypriot people."

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