reading time: 4 min.

Sami Özuslu: "We Need a Common Voice in Cyprus"

Sami Özuslu: "We Need a Common Voice in Cyprus"

CTP MP Sami Özuslu, in an interview with Politis newspaper regarding the Cyprus issue, emphasized, "We need to find a common voice in Cyprus." The CTP MP and journalist highlighted the need for all involved parties to find a unified stance for Cyprus.

Publish Date: 14/10/24 13:11
reading time: 4 min.
Sami Özuslu: "We Need a Common Voice in Cyprus"
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In the interview, Özuslu recalled that the negotiation process aimed at resolving the Cyprus issue collapsed at Crans-Montana in 2017, during the leadership of Mustafa Akıncı and Nikos Anastasiades, when expectations for a solution were high. He noted that, similar to the 2004 Annan Plan referendum, another opportunity was missed in 2017.

According to the report, Özuslu pointed out that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres would now bring together President Ersin Tatar and Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Christodoulides for an informal dinner in New York, but questioned whether this would lead to any progress.

Despite the lack of intent for a federal solution, Özuslu acknowledged that at least the leaders would start discussions. He remarked that the key issue was related to the strategy Guterres would follow, recalling that Maria Angela Holguin, Guterres' personal representative, had written a report known only to the Secretary-General.

Özuslu speculated that, considering the recent improvement in Turkey-Greece relations, Guterres might have received positive signals from the two guarantor countries regarding the initiative he has undertaken. If everything goes well, a 4+1 meeting in New York could even be possible.

However, Özuslu expressed his skepticism about real efforts being made towards a federal solution due to the "insincerity" of the leaders. He emphasized that for this to change, both communities and international powers need to exert pressure on the leaders.

Özuslu pointed out that the continued deadlock on the Cyprus issue has both internal and external causes, suggesting that instead of blaming the other side, it is time to look in the mirror. He posed the question, "What have we done and what are we doing for our future?"

He further asked whether there is consensus on the fact that, as stated in UN resolutions, the only solution model is a federal one, and whether everyone means the same thing when they talk about a federal solution.

If the answer is yes, Özuslu noted, then all external powers would respect the will of the Cypriots. While not underestimating the international community's role in the Cyprus issue, he stressed the importance of finding a common voice to communicate this to the world.

Özuslu described Cypriots as moderate people who have experienced very bad events in the past, with most knowing the reasons behind those experiences and not wanting to repeat them. He added that there are also those who seek to poison people's minds with nationalism and fanaticism, using channels such as politics, education, and the media.

The newspaper also noted that Özuslu, who was known until recently as a journalist and former president of the Cyprus Turkish Journalists Association, continues to fight for the same cause today as a member of parliament with the Republican Turkish Party: a peaceful and prosperous Cyprus.

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