reading time: 1 min.

PM Üstel: "We Will Proceed with a New Candidate for Parliament Speaker"

PM Üstel: "We Will Proceed with a New Candidate for Parliament Speaker"

Prime Minister and UBP (National Unity Party) leader Ünal Üstel announced that the party will move forward with a new candidate for the position of Parliament Speaker.

Publish Date: 14/10/24 14:19
reading time: 1 min.
PM Üstel: "We Will Proceed with a New Candidate for Parliament Speaker"
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Following the opinion from the Attorney General’s Office regarding the Parliament Speaker's election, Üstel convened both the Executive Board and the Central Committee to discuss the matter extensively.

Üstel criticized CTP (Republican Turkish Party), stating that despite an agreement between UBP and CTP group leaders, Deputy Speaker Fazilet Özdenefe did not open the session after Zorlu Töre fell ill. He emphasized that the country has no time to waste and that electing a new Parliament Speaker is essential to resume work on projects, particularly those outlined in the Economic and Financial Cooperation Protocol signed with Turkey.

Touching on rising tensions in South Cyprus, Üstel remarked, "South Cyprus is like a powder keg." He stressed the importance of swiftly implementing new projects for the future of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus during these critical times.

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