reading time: 1 min.

Erhürman: "We Will See if UBP Can Fulfill Its Responsibility"

Erhürman: "We Will See if UBP Can Fulfill Its Responsibility"

CTP leader Tufan Erhürman, following the Party Assembly meeting, stated, "We will see if UBP can fulfill its responsibility."

Publish Date: 15/10/24 11:18
reading time: 1 min.
Erhürman: "We Will See if UBP Can Fulfill Its Responsibility"
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The Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Party Assembly convened at 7:00 PM yesterday at the party's headquarters for a meeting that lasted around three hours.

After the meeting, CTP leader Erhürman made a brief statement, noting that they discussed the "Parliament Presidency crisis" during the session. He remarked, "Today, after its Party Assembly, UBP made a statement. Clearly, as the party that created this situation, UBP has taken on the responsibility to resolve it. This is how it should be."

Erhürman emphasized that UBP is responsible for managing the process, adding, "We will all see if UBP can fulfill this responsibility."

He also pointed out that the current situation clearly shows that the country is not being governed properly, regardless of the outcome. Erhürman noted that the Party Assembly also supports the idea of early elections.

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