reading time: 3 min.

Erhürman: We Must Continue Dialogue and Diplomacy

Erhürman: We Must Continue Dialogue and Diplomacy

CTP leader Tufan Erhürman emphasized the need to continue dialogue and diplomacy, commenting on Ersin Tatar's informal meeting in New York and internal political issues.

Publish Date: 16/10/24 13:36
reading time: 3 min.
Erhürman: We Must Continue Dialogue and Diplomacy
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Speaking on Kanal T, Erhürman stressed the importance of maintaining open channels of communication, particularly regarding Cyprus' complex issues, and reiterated CTP's determination to push for an early election.

"No One Wants Dialogue to Be Cut Off"

Assessing Tatar's informal dinner in New York, Erhürman said, "This dinner was not a monumental event. It was informal, and expecting a comprehensive solution from it would be unrealistic." However, he noted that dismissing the significance of the meeting entirely would also be a mistake. Highlighting that no party wishes for the dialogue to be completely cut off, he stated, "No one wants to see dialogue collapse, which is why we must continue with both dialogue and diplomacy." He also saw potential for developments in energy and hydrocarbon issues, suggesting there could be openings in these areas.

Erhürman further commented on energy projects and trade corridors, pointing out that while Turkey is being sidelined in international politics, its geographical location makes it impossible to exclude it from such projects. "Turkey's geographic position does not allow it to be excluded from energy projects and trade routes, but international politics can sometimes pursue unrealistic options," he said.

"The Turkish Cypriot People Cannot Be Erased"

Addressing the ongoing parliamentary crisis and economic troubles, Erhürman criticized the current government, stating, "The Turkish Cypriot people are being treated as if they don't exist. This is unacceptable." He blamed the government for failing to take sufficient measures to address the economy, which continues to worsen. "Ask any small business owner, and they will tell you that this high cost of living will only increase," he warned. He also noted that while the economy is shifting toward the south, the government is doing nothing to stop it. Erhürman pointed out that by the time economic organizations start speaking out, it's often too late, with both the construction and tourism sectors suffering.

"CTP Will Push for Early Elections"

Erhürman reiterated CTP's call for early elections, stressing, "CTP will push for early elections as long as it sees that the country is not being governed properly. But this is not something CTP's 19 MPs can achieve alone. Civil society and economic organizations need to recognize the situation." He criticized the current government for isolating itself from the real issues, and for the country's deepening problems. He concluded by stressing that the people, from the wealthiest to the poorest, are all voicing their complaints, and called for an end to this government structure.

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