reading time: 3 min.

CTP Rises in Politics, Erhürman Leads in Presidential Race: CMIRS Poll Results

CTP Rises in Politics, Erhürman Leads in Presidential Race: CMIRS Poll Results

In the latest CMIRS survey conducted in September 2024, the rise of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) continues to dominate the political landscape, with a notable shift in public opinion.

Publish Date: 16/10/24 14:28
reading time: 3 min.
CTP Rises in Politics, Erhürman Leads in Presidential Race: CMIRS Poll Results
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The poll, which involved face-to-face interviews with 500 people, aimed to measure the political, social, and personal confidence levels, as well as happiness perceptions of Turkish Cypriots. The research, conducted quarterly by the Migration, Identity, and Rights Studies Center (CMIRS), tracks the changes in public opinion over time.

CTP’s Continued Rise in Politics

According to CMIRS Director Mine Yücel, there has been a significant management weakness within the country for some time. In a shift from previous surveys, where the National Unity Party (UBP) was seen as the party with the highest potential, the CTP has now risen to the top spot. This change first appeared in the March 2024 poll and was confirmed in the June 2024 survey, where the CTP maintained its position. The September 2024 poll shows that this trend continues, with the CTP remaining in the leading position.

Effects of the Recent Crisis May Emerge Over Time

Yücel noted that the September 2024 survey was conducted before the recent parliamentary crisis, meaning the full effects of this crisis on political parties will likely become apparent in future polls. However, she stressed that public trust in politics has already been further undermined by this crisis.

Opposition’s Role Highlighted

Yücel emphasized that opposition parties must prepare for the management weaknesses of the current government. She criticized the opposition's slogan, "The party that comes, the party that goes, they are all the same," urging opposition parties to demonstrate to the public how they differ from the current government.

Presidential Election Predictions

Though no candidates have been officially declared for the upcoming presidential election, the survey revealed a trend that mirrors the political party distribution. In the current poll, it shows that Erhürman is slightly ahead of other potential candidates. It is expected that the recent developments in the Cyprus issue, following the dinner in New York, may influence the results in the future.

In conclusion, the September 2024 poll reflects the continuing rise of the CTP, but also highlights the prevailing political uncertainty and lack of public trust in the current system in Northern Cyprus.


Source: Bugün Kıbrıs 

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