reading time: 2 min.

Erhürman: The Government is Finished, Early Elections Are the Only Solution

Erhürman: The Government is Finished, Early Elections Are the Only Solution

Tufan Erhürman, leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), has claimed that the current government has reached its end and that there is no other solution besides early elections.

Publish Date: 21/10/24 11:22
reading time: 2 min.
Erhürman: The Government is Finished, Early Elections Are the Only Solution
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Erhürman argued that the government is merely prolonging the inevitable, wasting the time of both the people and the country, and insisted that an early election is the only way forward.

The CTP leader emphasized that, outside of minority governments, parliamentary democracies require the government to have the majority’s support in the assembly. He stated, "The clearest indication of this is the need for the government to receive a vote of confidence from the majority."

Erhürman pointed out that it is customary for a government to resign if its budget is not passed by the majority. He added, "What we have now is a so-called government formed by three political parties, claiming to have the support of 29 deputies."

He also highlighted that this government was unable to secure the required majority of 26 votes for their candidate for the parliamentary speaker. "If they manage to get a second candidate elected, one could argue that the issue was specific to the individual who failed to get elected," Erhürman remarked.

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