reading time: 2 min.

Büyükyılmaz: The Issue of the Parliament Speaker Election is Closed for YDP

Büyükyılmaz: The Issue of the Parliament Speaker Election is Closed for YDP

Turan Büyükyılmaz, the Deputy Chairman of the Re-Birth Party (YDP), emphasized that the Parliament Speaker election is over for them. He stated that if the presidency of Ziya Öztürkler were to be annulled and a new election process initiated, he does not believe that YDP deputies would participate in that election.

Publish Date: 21/10/24 14:26
reading time: 2 min.
Büyükyılmaz: The Issue of the Parliament Speaker Election is Closed for YDP
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Büyükyılmaz made these remarks during an appearance on the "Manşet +" program, prepared and presented by Aziz Karaaziz on BRT.

He noted that there had been a troubling Parliament Speaker election process and highlighted that the issue of YDP withdrawing from the government arose due to grassroots pressure in the event that the parliament could not elect a speaker.

"The meaningless and fruitless rounds and discussions in the Parliament have bored the public. It has been a constant cycle of voting... The chaos within the UBP was also affecting YDP, which is part of the coalition," Büyükyılmaz said, affirming that YDP fully supported the candidates put forward by their government partner during the Parliament Speaker election process.

"YDP would have supported any candidate from UBP. Indeed, that was the case. However, if UBP does not resolve its internal problems and chaos continues, YDP would participate in the voting for the last time. If Öztürkler had not been elected, the YDP Party Council would have voted that night to withdraw from the Government," Büyükyılmaz remarked, adding that the problem was resolved with the election of the Parliament Speaker.

He pointed out that there were objections from the main opposition Republican Turkish Party (CTP) regarding Ziya Öztürkler’s election, stating that there is no authority to consider these objections legitimate. "The Constitution clearly states that lawsuits cannot be filed in courts regarding Parliamentary decisions..."

Büyükyılmaz concluded, "If CTP genuinely wants early elections, they can do so not by locking the Parliament but by withdrawing from it. However, they cannot do that because CTP does not sincerely want early elections..."

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