reading time: 1 min.

Arıklı: "The Presidential System is the Only Way Out"

Arıklı: "The Presidential System is the Only Way Out"

Transport Minister and Re-Birth Party (YDP) leader Erhan Arıklı emphasized that the Presidential System is the only solution, pointing to the ongoing challenges with the current system.

Publish Date: 24/10/24 16:24
Update Date: 24/10/24 16:55
reading time: 1 min.
Arıklı: "The Presidential System is the Only Way Out"
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Speaking to Kıbrıs Postası amid recent discussions on the Presidential System, Arıklı reminded that YDP was founded with the philosophy of advocating for systemic change.

Highlighting the difficulties in decision-making under the Parliamentary System, Arıklı called for urgent reforms, stating that YDP firmly believes in the Presidential System as the most suitable model.

He added that YDP is ready to play its part in transitioning to the Presidential System, which would ensure a clearer separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

Arıklı also noted that many previous initiatives have failed due to unstable governments, underscoring the need for systemic change. He pointed to Turkey's successful implementation of the E-Government system within three years, contrasting it with the TRNC's delayed progress.

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